所蔵隕石リスト の変更点

*所蔵隕石リスト Owned Meteorite list
 I have some meteorites for both research and educational purposes. If you need some of those meteorites for research, let me know. Details of each meteorite can be found from database such as [[here:https://www.lpi.usra.edu/meteor/]].

-Tatahouin diogenite
-NWA 11245 monomict eucrite
-NWA 7831 diogenite
-Camel Donga	eucrite
-Cachari eucrite mmict
-NWA 2651 ureilite
-Sahara 97096 EH3 enstatite chondrite
-Etter meteorite L5
-Tenham meteorite (L6 chondrite) (3 pieces)
-Dar al Gani 531 (L6 chondrite)
-Chelyabinsk meteorite LL5 chondrite 
-Happy Canyon meteorite EL6/7
-Sahara 98222 L6 chondrite S6 W2 (2 pieces)
-NWA 5727 L6 chondrite S4 W2
-Monze L6 chondrite
-Murchison meteorite CM2 (two small pieces)
-Allende meteorite CV3 chondrite
-NWA 1465 meteorite CV3 anomalous
-Kainsaz meteorite CO3.2 
**stony-iron meteorites
-Fukang meteorite pallasite
-Vaca Muerta mesosiderite
**iron meteorite
-Muonionalusta iron meteorite (IVA octahedrite)
-Steinbach iron meteorite (anomalous)
**Martian meteorite
-Zagami meteorite Shergottite (Martian)
**Lunar meteorite
-NWA 8277 Lunar meteorite
-NWA 2977 Lunar meteorite
-MWA 6950 Lunar meteorite
-Dar al Gani 400 Lunar meteorite
**Impact related materials
-Libyan desert glass
-moldavite glass (small piece)
-sandstone from Canyon Diablo Meteorite Crater (quartz + coesite + trace stishovite)